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Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Just another sale?

Friday 24 November 2017

DR GORDON Fletcher, retail expert at the University of Salford Business School, comments on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Dr Fletcher said: “Black Friday has come around again and all the signals are that UK retailers are increasingly putting a local twist on the first Friday after Thanksgiving. While the US retailers link the day to the celebrations as a signal for the start of Christmas shopping, here in the UK it has increasingly become "yet another" sale in the retail cycle from Halloween skeletons and pumpkins to Christmas tinsel and puddings.
“Many retailers are already offering discounts, with all the signs that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are just being taken as part of one long event.
“Spending and sales volume figures will spike again this year and ecommerce sites will crash but increasing glimmers of resistance are also evident with commentators pointing to alternative good times to buy or even suggesting different ways of celebrating.”

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Sam Wood

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