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How easy are you to fool?

Thursday 2 November 2017

AN EVENT examining fake news and conspiracy theories will enable visitors to find out just how easily they can be fooled.

University of Salford psychologists, will look into how easy it is for people to be persuaded by others whether on the internet or in our day to day interactions.

Visitors attending the event, at the University of Salford’s MediaCityUK campus on Monday November 6 (6-9pm), will have the chance to:

The event has been organised by the University’s Dr Linda and Professor Rod Dubrow-Marshall,who earlier this year launched the UK’s first Masters degree in the Psychology of Coercive Control, which explores how people use mind games to control others and the role of coercion in domestic abuse, human trafficking and even religious and political cults.

Blurred boundaries

Professor Rod Dubrow-Marshall explained: “It’s becoming increasingly difficult to tell fact from fiction, as the boundaries between the two have been blurred – in some cases because of technologically-led trends, and in other cases because of the wilful attempts of unscrupulous politicians.

“There has never been a time when it’s been more important for people to be able to recognise when the wool is being pulled over their eyes, and this workshop will provide visitors with some insight into what’s going on behind the scenes, how suggestible they are – and perhaps they will go on to recognise manipulation next time they see it.” 

The event will also feature work on control perception by Dr Warren Mansell from the University of Manchester, and a video by the Rosie Kay Dance Company about the CIA's secret MK Ultra coercive interrogation programme from the 1960s – some conspiracy theories suggest that this sinister Cold War-era mind control may still be operating today!


Dr Linda Dubrow-Marshall said: “This workshop tackles the disturbing phenomena ofcoercive persuasion and mind control and vividly demonstrates how social science research and artistic exploration sheds light on the realities and myths of harmful influence in society.”

The event is taking place as part of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Festival of Social Science.

Watch Dr Aleksej Heinze explains what fake news is.