HOME energy efficiency will be central to a greener future, an expert from the University of Salford will tell the Greater Manchester Green Summit on Monday, March 25.
Organisations from across the city-region are invited to put solutions on the table on environmental protection by the Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham.
Professor Will Swan will tell the summit that domestic energy use currently accounts for around 30% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions.
“We cannot ignore the waste and low efficiency currently created by homes, old and new. Our future choices as householders are key to reducing energy use and managing resources.”
And he says technology is changing everything: “We are currently in the middle of an energy revolution, with new ways of generating, storing and managing energy, but we need to know what the impact of this technology might be and Mr Burnham needs to work with us.”
Over the past 10 years, the University of Salford has partnered industry to conduct energy-saving experiments, product and design testing, behavioural observation, and retrofit research, as well as explore vital technical questions around digital energy infrastructure.
Its three, existing facilities Energy House, the Smart Meters>Smart Homes Laboratory and the Honda vehicle-to-grid testing station will be boosted shortly with the opening in 2020 of the Energy House 2.0 - a £16m controlled-environment whole building test lab.
“Energy House 2.0 is one of the key ways that GM can feed into the Government’s Clean Growth Strategy,” Professor Swan adds.
“The new facility – which is a partnership with industry - will allow new low carbon products and services to be much more rapidly developed, putting GM at a real advantage in this rapidly growing sector.”