DOZENS of University of Salford staff, including Vice Chancellor Professor Helen Marshall, will don their trainers to take part in the Great Manchester Run this weekend.
In total over fifty members of staff will take on the 10k challenge, and all money raised will go to the Alzheimer’s Society.
Professor Marshall is a keen runner, having completed several half marathons and 10ks in the past and is currently in training for the run. She said: “I’m doing four mile runs at the moment so hopefully my body will be fine. I’m delighted to be taking part, as part of the inaugural University of Salford entry into the race, and to be raising money for such a worthwhile cause. With over 50 entrants to the 10k run alone, it is fantastic to see so many of our colleagues and students keen to join in and become involved at this fantastic event.
“The University is looking forward to forging a new collaborative partnership with the race organisers and developing our presence there and in the future.
“It will be terrific to see so many from our community bringing a University of Salford presence on the day, either running in the race, as part of our events team, or cheering on runners from the side lines.”
Salford University’s fundraising efforts are linking in with Dementia Action Week which starts on Monday 20 May, with the University’s Institute for Dementia hosting a series of free events throughout the week. It will feature a video appearance from Christopher Eccleston, the Salford born actor who opened the Salford Institute for Dementia ‘Hub’ in 2017. The TV star, who’s dad suffered the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s, has long been a campaigner to raise awareness of the condition. Comedian Steve Day will also perform.
The events will combine academic learnings from the fields of health and the arts with practical applications, to help those living with dementia directly and indirectly to better understand the condition.
The Dementia Hub aims to be an outreach centre for the public to access the latest research and ideas about living well with dementia.
People with dementia and their carers can visit the Hub to take part in activities such as gardening and dance and to get guidance from others who have experienced the condition, while researchers from across the University carry out work and research there. A JustGiving page set up and is raising money for the Alzheimer’s Society.