Friday 14 July 2017
THE CREDIT Union, supported with legal expertise from the University of Salford, has launched new products aimed at helping people deal with poverty....
Wednesday 12 July 2017
CANCER researchers in the UK may have stumbled across a solution to reverse antibiotic drug resistance and stop infections like MRSA....
AN ART installation celebrating the woman who inspired Communist thinker Friedrich Engels has been created by University of Salford students as part of the Manchester International Festival....
Tuesday 11 July 2017
WHAT might be found lurking among the great unwashed at one of the UK’s leading music festivals?...
TWO WOMEN who have had a huge impact on British television are ‘delighted’ to be made honorary graduates of the University of Salford....
Monday 10 July 2017
BSc (Hons) ARCHITECTURE at the University of Salford is set to receive accreditation from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)....
ROBOTICS is not a threat to jobs in the North West but actually a job creator, according to Dr Steve Davis, lecturer in lecturer in manufacturing, automation and robotics....
Friday 7 July 2017
A GROUP of directors from Thailand’s nursing colleges are visiting the University of Salford to help improve the country’s education system....
Thursday 6 July 2017
YOUNGSTERS will be able to find out more about the region’s history while hunting for hidden clues this weekend using a digital treasure hunt....
THE UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD celebrates the strength of its industry relationships with its 2017 Honorary Awards....
Wednesday 5 July 2017
A HOST of new research and practice experiences for students will emerge from the University of Salford’s new ‘industrial partnership’ with the Royal Horticultural Society’s ‘north west’ garden....
YOUNG scientist Zakia Zia is headed for the top after a fabulous experience at the University of Salford’s children’s cancer charity – Kidscan....