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Prosthetics experts face up to global challenges

Monday 18 March 2019

GLOBAL experts in the use of prosthetic limbs come to Salford this month to discuss the latest science in the field.

Engineers, neuroscientists and medical doctors will focus on the challenges of designing better arm and hand prostheses and improving the lives of people with upper limb difference.

The ISPO Trent international Prosthetics Symposium is chaired by Professor Laurence Kenney and Dr Alix Chadwell from the School of Health & Society at the University of Salford, together with colleagues at the Universities of Newcastle and Portsmouth.

Salford was recently chosen to host the UK’s first EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Prosthetics and Orthotics in partnership with Strathclyde, Southampton and Imperial College.


The conference (March 20-22) theme is ‘Moving Beyond the Lab’ and keynote speakers will be:

- Prof Silvestro Micera, Ecole PolytechniqueFederale de Lausann

- Prof Corry van der Sluis, University MedicalCenter, Groningen

- Prof Aaron Dollar, Yale University

Professor Kenney said: “Until very recently, we have been largely limited to studying upper limb prosthetics in lab or clinical environments.

“Such an approach is clearly of value, but the acid test for any assistive device is whether or not a user chooses to use it in their everyday life.

“We are now beginning to see studies exploring real world use of prostheses and the results are opening up exciting opportunities to understand the mix of design, clinical and personal factors which may lead to a prosthesis which is of real value to the patient.

The conference will be an opportunity to showcase some of the latest research at Salford, including a study exploring the real world use of sports prostheses and early work on our Global Challenges-funded project to develop fit for purpose upper limb prostheses for lower and middle income countries."

Find out more

Gareth Hollyman, Senior Press & PR Officer (Science)

0161 295 6895