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Student to row half a marathon for children of Syria

Wednesday 12 April 2017

A kind hearted student who was reduced to tears by images she saw on the news of families fleeing their homes in Syria, is preparing to row half a marathon to help.

Steph Busby-Childs, will use a stationary rowing machine at the University Sports Centre to complete the grueling challenge, which will take place on Thursday. 

Steph, who is in the first year of her Occupational Therapy degree said: “I had the idea to raise money for Hand in Hand for Syria when I was watching a report about everything that was happening in Aleppo on the news. I was talking to my best friend saying how powerless I felt, and I told her that it was time for me to get up from the sofa, get out and try to do Steph picsomething about it.

Although I am quite strong, I can’t do anything for a long period of time and have very little stamina. I thought rowing half a marathon would be a personal challenge for me. I have also been inspired to fundraise more from doing the course that I do. I really love my course, it is the best thing I have ever done, and above all it has made me want to do more with my life and has made me realise the importance of constantly having personal goals”. 

Steph's initial target of raising £500 was smashed earlier this week. 

Hand in Hand for Syria is a UK based charity that operates in the middle of war torn countries such as Syria, and offers Humanitarian aid to those who are most in need. To sponsor Steph, you can visit her JustGiving page.

Find out more

Victoria Barker

0161 295 4779